Bad jokes and politics are often difficult to distinguish.
Splat president
Posted in Transdimensional Design
Tags: administration, ball, borderwall, caricature, comedy, controversial, deinspirational, demotivational, election, figure, funding, funny, government, gummy, humor, irony, joke, jurisdiction, laugh, law, leader, offensive, play, politics, postcard, president, propaganda, rubber, sarcasm, satire, shutdown, socialmedia, soft, splat, system, throw, toy, transdimensional, transdimensional postcard, troll, trump, truth, twitter, unspirational, vote
Tags: administration, ball, borderwall, caricature, comedy, controversial, deinspirational, demotivational, election, figure, funding, funny, government, gummy, humor, irony, joke, jurisdiction, laugh, law, leader, offensive, play, politics, postcard, president, propaganda, rubber, sarcasm, satire, shutdown, socialmedia, soft, splat, system, throw, toy, transdimensional, transdimensional postcard, troll, trump, truth, twitter, unspirational, vote