Don’t even try to justify your bad style choices. And no, it’s neither funny nor cute.
The irony of cats
Posted in Deinspirational Art
Tags: animal, apparel, bad, bag, bed, buy, canine, capitalism, cat, crap, cute, deinspirational, deinspirational poster, demotivational, dog, excuse, eye, face, feline, figure, horrible, ignorance, ironic, irony, kids, kitty, merch, merchandise, mug, pet, pillow, poster, problem, puppet, sell, shit, skateboard, style, sweet, taste, trash, ugly, useless, wrong, zeitgeist
Tags: animal, apparel, bad, bag, bed, buy, canine, capitalism, cat, crap, cute, deinspirational, deinspirational poster, demotivational, dog, excuse, eye, face, feline, figure, horrible, ignorance, ironic, irony, kids, kitty, merch, merchandise, mug, pet, pillow, poster, problem, puppet, sell, shit, skateboard, style, sweet, taste, trash, ugly, useless, wrong, zeitgeist