Some people will pay a lot for that.
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Does everything always have to have a decipherable message?
Even if you follow the same recipe, the results vary. Sometimes the dish is delicious, sometimes it ends up in the trash.
Listen closely to their suggestions and do the exact opposite.
Yeah, I know, I should be over Xmas by now…
Missing point
Does everything always have to have a decipherable message?
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Tags: absurd, advertising, answer, art, bigotry, comment, content, deinspirational, deinspirational poster, demotivational, Der, expectation, fanatic, funny, god, Kleine, Kleiner, merch, merchandise, message, money, nonsense, plushie, poster, Preis, price, quest, question, religion, search, senseless, shop, shopping, sign, slogan, socialmedia, society, solution, solve, stupid, surreal, text, toy, unspirational, useless