How about Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny?
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Does everything always have to have a decipherable message?
And prejudice is not an opinion.
The modern society offers great opportunities for terrible ideas and harebrained schemes to flourish.
Contrary to popular belief some good old days were actually really bad. That’s why science was invented.
Missing point
Does everything always have to have a decipherable message?
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Tags: absurd, advertising, answer, art, bigotry, comment, content, deinspirational, deinspirational poster, demotivational, Der, expectation, fanatic, funny, god, Kleine, Kleiner, merch, merchandise, message, money, nonsense, plushie, poster, Preis, price, quest, question, religion, search, senseless, shop, shopping, sign, slogan, socialmedia, society, solution, solve, stupid, surreal, text, toy, unspirational, useless